About Us
Our approach resides in formulating insightful questions, answering them thoroughly and objectively; and detailing/executing actions that address strategic issues of our clients
Therefore, our focus is on
Analyzing the problems with a holistic view;
Engaging the client in the problem solving;
Providing relevant experience and significant methodological content.
Strategic Point-of-view
Belief in a holistic approach. It is not uncommon that the best recommendation emerges from the analysis of different aspects of a situation;
Analytical depth. Stratsense concentrates efforts on identifying problems´ root causes;
Goal of creating a sustainable competitive advantage to clients.
Client involvement
Customization of recommendations to the problem at hand;
Knowledge / methodologies are transmitted to clients;
Whenever possible, teams are a mix of Stratsense and client personnel, as a way to leverage knowledge.
The project leadership is always under the responsibility of a partner or director with several years of experience as a strategic consultant;
Sector and functional knowledge;
Experience in implementations.